Applicant's Declaration (Project Lead)

Please read the program description carefully before completing this form.

Any questions? Contact Daniel Bastien, Director of Professional Development, at 514-433-3024.

General information

Employment status in the cultural sector

Trainer's information

Training needs

Objectives and expected results

Training plan

The duration of a Coup de Pouce is typically set at 12 hours.

Activity schedule

Consult your trainer to complete this section.

List the training activities planned to achieve your objectives. Specify the planned date and estimated duration (in hours) for each activity. Example:

  • October 30, 2024: Basics of Budget Planning (2h)

  • November 15, 2024: Understanding Financial Statements (3h)

  • etc.

Applicant's financial contribution

Your training can only begin once the RQD has received your payment and a signed agreement from the project lead, the trainer, and the RQD.

Other participants' information (if applicable)

Supporting documents

Please upload the following documents:

      Declaration / Consent

      Once you click 'Submit,' you will receive an email from the RQD with the subject 'New Coup de Pouce Request.' This email confirms that your request has been received.